
Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 4: D, #4, Green and Hearts

I am putting together a packet for my mother-in-law to work with briggy. I hope she enjoys the time with him, its so exciting for me to see him understand concepts so well. It is one of my favorite times of day with him, and Im so excited in his progress and willingness to participate.

Heres the lowdown on the weeks worksheets:

Letter D:
{Photograhs of Daddy will also be looked at, as well as a portrait of daddy by "little daddy" {thats one of the names briggy likes to be called! heart melting stuff, right?}

The Color Green:
Green grass, playing outside
Green fruits and veggies {broccoli, green beans, celery, peas, grapes and pears}
Green Eggs and Ham {Book and Green eggs for a meal!}
Blue and Yellow paint mixing
Red light, Green light. I wish I could take pictures of this, but ill be away! I may just have to play it with him the day I get back. Im just going to have 1 big green circle glued to a stick and 1 big red circle on another, so he learns that green means GO and red means STOP!

Here are the links!

Number 4:
This website provides a few different resource links. I dont want to overwhelm the boys babysitters with too much, so ive lessened the amount of worksheets for this week, but I also have #4 activity pages from workbooks I purchased at the Dollar Tree {They had Sesame Street, Winnie the Pooh and Disney themed books on shapes, numbers, letters and colors!}


Heart represents Love. Talk about the Love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us and how they show it in so many ways. How can we show love back to Them and to our family, friends and fellow neighbors?

Make paper heart chains

Make a frog out of hearts!

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