Last week we had SO MUCH FUN with Letter I. I feel a little bit bad for letter J, because I dont think Jam is going to live up to lasts week's excitement--but I'll do my best!
Okay, Monday started off with Family Home Evening: I am a Child of God was an interesting day because we had one of our ECI Developmental therapists stop in to work with Oliver {2 1/2--I had a few concerns of him being a tad bit behind, and wanted him to get a little extra help} Since I knew I was going to be a bit pre-occupied, I wanted to create a work-box system for Briggy to use on Tuesdays and Thursdays, since I need to really have one-on-one focus time with Oliver for at least 30 minutes. Ive been researching worboxes for awhile, and although I thought they were a neat idea, they just werent applicable for me last year since Briggy was only just turning 3 and he had me working with him the entire time.
I know my workbox system isnt conventional, but it works for us. In box #1 {Tuesday} Briggy had Letter I practice writing, Letter I words writing, and Short I/Long I worksheets and game, Hot Dots letter I flash cards and an Ice Cream Cone Alphabet Match game
Here are some pics and links!
Letter I worksheets:
{Ive been really impressed with Briggy staying much better in the lines lately!} Cream Alphabet Match/Number Match

Here is the link to quite a few activities to choose from: I/Short I worksheets: I/Short I sorting game: {page 14} another one! love Hot Dots Jr: the workbox, I just pulled about 5-6 cards that had I's in them

Worbox 2 included: Ice Cream Patterns, Ice Cream Colors, Rainbow Ice Cream Cone Game! The Ice Cream cone number match {I posted above!} I-spy bags
Rainbow Color Cones from Learning Resources! {Mini-Review}
I LOVE LOVE all the Smart Snacks games. We have the Cookie and Cupcake one as well. Santa did some shopping at Learning Resources this year!
What's great about this game is the color recognition. Its so educational and lots of fun! Oliver and Briggy play nicely with it--When Oliver is playing we use the color scoop side {like shown in the picture} But when its just Briggy and Mommy, you can flip the scoops over and they have the written word of the color, so its more thought-provoking for the older crew. I've been so happy with this game, we played it every day last week!

More Ice Cream Color Review: bags: I planned to do on Friday, but it fell threw because we held an playgroup instead {bad mama! i need to incorporate more math next week!}
Ice Cream Shapes: I planned to cut out from construction paper: triangles {cones} circles {scoops of icecream-cherry} smaller rectangles and stars {sprinkles} and have the boys glue and put together their own icecream cones. Im so bummed we didnt end up doing it!
Ice Cream Math: I wanted to do some sort of simple "Ice Cream Scoop Addition" game with Briggy--I never ended up making a separate game for it, but I just used the alphabet scoops to play an im-promtu game of it instead....
Heres a couple ideas, or a template of the ice cream and scoops if you wanted to make your own game: Signing Time we made sure to Sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" EVERY DAY {many times over and over.....One of Oliver's faves!} I found this AWESOOMMMMMMMMEEE website that has great clip art. I laminated the Itsy Bitsy Spider characters, added some velcro and Ta-da! perfect for our circle time felt board!
Hey.....My Itsy Bitsy Spider is missing! I bet Oliver snagged it off the board! Little Stinker!